Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Son, Darth Maul

We took a trip to Great-Grandma Dudley's house today. We spent some quality time with Grandma and Nathan finally got to meet Aunt Sheryl and Uncle Roger. He was pretty much out of it the whole time and woke up when we got home. He was wearing a new bib, so I got the camera to take a picture for posting. Well, I got lucky and just happened to be clicking pictures at the exact right time. While I was taking pictures, Nathan decided to fill his diaper again. I was able to capture his transformation from an innocent 2 week old into a dark lord of the Sith. Here's the progression. First he starts out as cute, innocent little Nathan just chilling in his car seat.
Once the pushing starts, his forehead starts to redden ever so slightly.
Next, he gets what I call his racing stripes. Two beat red stripes right down the middle of the forehead. The eyes start to redden just a bit and the lips begin to purse together as well.
Finally, the racing stripes reach their darkest as the whole head turns a deep shade of red. Under the eyes is also dark red and the lips are still clenched, holding his breath. All he lacks is a few little horns and a double-bladed light saber and presto... Darth Maul.
Disturbing, no? What's even more disturbing is the rumble and stench that follows this sequence. I didn't even realize I captured all the phases of his transformation until I loaded the pictures on my computer. I was really just trying to get a good shot of the racing stripes and got lucky. Rest assured, Nate quickly returns to his relaxed self soon after his Incredible Hulk-like metamorphosis. If Bruce Banner's catch phrase is "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry", I guess Nate's would be "You wouldn't like me when I'm gassy." I'll end this disturbing post with a much nicer picture of mom's boys ready for bed.

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