Grandpa turned on the GPS and put the boy on the wheel so he thought he was driving. I would have loved to been there to see it.
Here's the boy with Bob and Pop.Thanks again to Grandma and "Pop" for watching the boy.
Welcome! If you're looking for Brandon's blog, you've come to the right place. I had to name my blog something, so I decided to name it Kermitt. This site is primarily for posting stories and pictures from our lives and activities. I will also post other eclectic stuff like funny videos, political commentary, book or game reviews, and anything else that pops into my brain. Everything is fair game here on Kermitt. Remember, that's Kermitt with 2 t's! Check in often!
Grandpa turned on the GPS and put the boy on the wheel so he thought he was driving. I would have loved to been there to see it.
Here's the boy with Bob and Pop.Rolling the back yard with grandpa, or "Pop" as he is now referred to.
Oh, and he is demonstrating that he can learn from his little miscues. You may need to turn the volume up on this one.